
Better Start Before Kindergarten: Computer Technology, Interactive Media and the Education of Preschoolers

Kathleen A. Paciga,Jennifer Garrette Lisy,William H. Teale
page. 85~104 / 2013 Vol.7 No.2


This article discusses issues of technology, interactive media and preschool education related to the areasof early language and literacy. From discussions with other researchers and practitioners, we suspect thatthe status, situations, and children’s reactions to technology reported on here apply widely acrossdisciplines and curricular areas in early childhood. We focus first on current research related to the roleof technology in preschool children’s early language and literacy instruction and then discuss what webelieve is critically important to address by any preschool or other level of educational institution inorder to redress serious shortcomings in the role of technology in the classroom education of today’syoung children.

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