The author should visit our journal website (, or and follow our suggested procedure for your manuscript submission by clicking the orange-colored tab, 'Manuscript Management System of the APJRECE' on the bottom of the screen. Please refer to the 'Guide for Authors' of the menu bar on the first page of the system.
* One author should submit one manuscript for each volume only.
* Priority should be given to the manuscript authors who are Asia-Pacific region if we receive a lot of manuscripts.
* Must undergo English proofreading process before submission and publication.
** we may ask a certification later
Manuscripts should be 3000-7000 words in length plus references (double spaced).
Manuscripts submitted should follow the style guidelines included in the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). This manual is available in bookstores or from the
Individual rate: US $50 per volume
Institution rate: US $100 per volume
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