
“Writing Center,” or “Writing, Drawing, Talking Center”: Does It Matter?

Judith A. Schickedanz
page. 63~83 / 2013 Vol.7 No.2


This article provides case data that illustrate the potential of the emergent writing/drawing context forsupporting oral language, content knowledge, and reasoning in preschoolers. The adult-child talksurrounding the samples provided are discussed in relation to the child’s prior experiences andknowledge, and circumstances in the classroom that affect a teacher’s time allocation. A current trend inusing preschool writing centers in U.S. classrooms to focus quite narrowly on supporting literacy skillsdevelopment is discussed in light of oral language and content development needs. The benefits ofthinking broadly about a drawing/writing/talking center to meet some of these oral language and contentknowledge needs are explored. Some practical ideas for supporting this broader use of the writing center,and ideas for research on teacher-child talk in a drawing/writing/talking center context, are suggested.

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