
Guest Editor’s INTRODUCTION [Special Issue: Outdoor Play and Learning]

Shirley Wyver
page. 1~5 / 2018 Vol.12 No.2


It is an interesting time in human history. Being outdoors generally costs nothing andcan be extremely pleasurable. Yet outdoor opportunities that were once taken for grantedare diminishing (Bhosale, Duncan, & Schofield, 2017; Milteer, Ginsburg, & Mulligan,2012; Woolley & Griffin, 2015). Rhee (2016) noted that in many Asian regions, preferencefor more academically oriented activities in early childhood education settings has led toboth indoor and outdoor play being sidelined. Outdoors is considered to be riskier and thereis still a strong image of real learning occurring indoors. While the value of outdoor playand learning is often acknowledged, many questions remain regarding pedagogies, researchapproaches, benefits, and even basic definitions. This special issue of Asia-Pacific Journalof Research in Early Childhood Education contributes to current debate, empirical findings,and recommendations for policy and pedagogy regarding the outdoors.

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