
Integrating Western Play-Based Pedagogy with Chinese Educational Traditions: A Tale of Two Public Kindergartens

Xuemei Cao, Kimberley Kong
page. 73~96 / 2025 Vol.19 No.1


This qualitative study explores the integration ofWestem play-based pedagogy with traditional Chinese educational practices in two Chinese kindergartens. Focusing on how twelve teachers adapt and blend global and local pedagogical influences, the study identifies key strategies for implementing a hybrid play-based approach. The teachers in these kindergartens employed two primary methods: first, by shaping the physical environment and engaging directly in children's play: and second, by incorporating playful activities into teacher-directed instruction. The findings reveal that while Western play-based approaches were incorporated, traditional Chinese values such as collectivism, teacher authority, and discipline remained central to educational practices. These insights highlight the complexities of educational reform in Confucian-heritage societies, where the blending of Western and local pedagogies creates a “third space” for new educational practices while maintaining cultural traditions. The study further highlights the challenges teachers face in balancing these influences, particularly regarding the management of class dynamics and maintaining discipline, suggesting the need for culturally responsive teacher training programs that emphasize the integration of child­ centered play and traditional practices. These findings have important implications for early childhood education in other Asian contexts, particularly those with Confucian-heritage values or large class sizes.

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