
Developing a Mindfulness Program for Filipino Children

Erickson M. Maclid
page. 137~162 / 2023 Vol.17 No.3


Previous studies established that mindfulness is an effective strategy in promoting social and emotional learning and holistic development of children, which is vital to academic and life success. Thus, this study explored the development of a mindfulness program for preschool-aged children. The researcher developed and implemented a six-week mindfulness program called Alumana for 28 preschool children aged 4-6 years old. Results were analyzed through document analysis of the facilitator’s logs and thematic analysis of parents’ responses in open-ended interviews. Findings showed that the participants gradually transitioned from being hesitant during the first weeks of the mindfulness-based activities to being responsive and enthusiastic through various strategies towards the end of the program. The significance of incorporating children’s responses to make the program more developmentally appropriate and engaging for the children is highlighted in the study. The use of props and relatable activities is important to produce a more engaging program for young children. Findings also present the perceived benefits in learning and the holistic development of the children according to the participants’ parents and age-appropriate mindfulness program in a local context is applicable in preschool. Through this study, implementing a more mindfulness program in a local context could be further examined for young Filipino children.

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