
Digital platforms and technologies in preschool education in Portugal: Perceptions of preschool teachers

Fernandes Preciosa, Monteiro Angélica, Valadas Sandra T, Figueiredo Carla, Marinho Paulo, Vilhena Carla
page. 73~95 / 2023 Vol.17 No.3


This paper analyses the perceptions of Portuguese preschool teachers regarding the use of Digital Platforms and Technologies (DPTs) in preschool education, focusing on which DPTs are mostly used and with what aims, and on constraints felt in its use. The paper draws on data collected in a larger research project regarding the use of DPTs ) in schools, using a survey questionnaire applied in schools from the Portuguese mainland during 2020, answered by 75 preschool teachers. Results show that preschool teachers mostly use Microsoft Office applications and communication platforms to communicate with peers and families, and for administrative and pedagogical tasks. The constraints felt are associated with the need for training which would allow these professionals to use DPTs more effectively, and the need to upgrade and ensure technical maintenance of the existing equipment.

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