
Setting the peace table: early childhood education peace practices vis-a vis the kindergarten curriculum

Verna Jade Janay, Rejie Palmos
page. 199~216 / 2023 Vol.17 No.1


This study investigated the Peace Education Awareness, Early Childhood Education Domains Awareness and the peace practices of the Early Childhood Education Professionals. There are 123 out of 177 schools that are selected using the Slovin’s Formula. A stratified sampling was used to gather the data. For each school picked, all the kindergarten teachers were given survey questionnaires. The data gathering instrument included the Peace Education Awareness Questionnaire Checklist (PEACQ) and Early Childhood Education Domain Awareness Questionnaire Checklist. Mean and standard deviation were used for the descriptive statistical analysis while the Pearson’s r was employed for the inferential study. Alpha level was set at 0.01. The study revealed that ECE professionals are highly aware in all the domains. The highest mean is in the Aesthetic /Creative Development Domain. They are also highly aware in all areas of the peace education Knowledge, Attitudes, Values and Skills. It was noted that the Attitudes and Values Content Area has the highest statistical mean. Furthermore, a significant relationship existed between the awareness of Peace education and Kindergarten Curriculum among ECE Professional. This will be a start in assisting the ECE Professionals towards a peace advocacy in the school, in the homes and in the community.

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