
From Stuck in a Dark Tunnel to Shining New Light: The Stories of Early Childhood Practitioners During the Pandemic

Kyoung Jin Kim, Min Kyung Han, Ji-Hyang Sohn, Jeonghye Nah
page. 25~47 / 2023 Vol.17 No.1


South Korea was one of the few countries in the world to face a major outbreak in the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study portrays the lived experiences of Korean early childhood practitioners striving to thrive between 2020 and 2021. Their stories offer their reflections on their challenges, struggles, and lessons learned throughout the pandemic. Findings reveal that, as time passed, there were longstanding struggles and newly emerging challenges. This study sheds light on early childhood practitioners’ experiences of teaching during the unique and uncertain time of the pandemic, which can offer in-depth understanding for the betterment of future teaching.

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(19 Volumes, 1 Issues, 332 Articles)
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