
Understanding The Relationship Between Emotional Competence and Self-Efficacy with Preschool Teacher Commitment: An Analysis of PLS-Predict & IPMA (Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis)

Phaik Im Kan, Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung, Fong Peng Chew
page. 71~98 / 2022 Vol.16 No.3


This study aims to identify the relationship between emotional competence and self-efficacy with the commitment of preschool teachers in the state of Selangor in addition to testing emotional competence and self-efficacy as predictor factors to teacher commitment. This study is based on the Emotional Competence Theory developed by Goleman (2001), the Self-efficacy Model by Tschannen-Moran & Hoy (2001) and Teacher Commitment Model by Thien et al. (2014). This is a survey study involved 428 samples in Selangor through cluster and systematic random sampling method to answer a set of questionnaire questions. The instrument has been validated by six experts and a pilot study has been conducted to identify the reliability of the instrument. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively using Smart-PLS 3.0 software with PLS-predict and IPMA analysis for Q2_predict and effect size factor analysis. The findings of structural model analysis show that the relationship between emotional competence, self-efficacy and commitment is positively significant. PLS findings indicate commitment is a predictor construct that has predictive power in the evaluation of the internal model of this study. Findings of IPMA analysis show that the construct of emotional competence and self-efficacy are two important factors for teacher commitment.

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