
A Study on the Current Status of Childcare Teacher Policy and Policy Evaluation in Korea

Gilsook Kim
page. 231~246 / 2022 Vol.16 No.2


This study attempted to suggest the future direction of policy for childcare teachers in Korea by examining and evaluating the legal status of childcare teachers, the flow of childcare policies, and policies related to improving the treatment of childcare teachers by period. For this, the related laws, press releases, and basic mid-to-long-term childcare plans were analyzed by examining the respective home pages (websites) of the 「Child Care Act」 and the 「Early Childhood Education Act」, as well as those of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, the Presidential Committee on Aging Society and Population Policy, and Central Childcare. In conclusion, the childcare policies up to now have the strong characteristic of being marginal efforts to improve the poor working environment and compensation of childcare teachers rather than being a fundamental solution for the long term. Accordingly, it is necessary to prepare a fundamental and long-term policy that can more realistically reflect the childcare teachers’ policy demands.

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