
COVID-19 Pandemic, Mental Health, and Play for Young Children during and after Pandemic

Eunhye Bae, Soyoun Bae
page. 93~112 / 2022 Vol.16 No.1


COVID-19 might not have severely threatened young children's physical health; however, it has had profound impacts on their sound development and mental health that could have long-lasting effects on their lives. It is not easy to foresee when this crisis will be over; yet young children’s development and learning cannot be stopped. Therefore, efforts to support young children, considering the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, must be made immediately. The purposes of this study are to review the existing literature on the effects of the pandemic on young children’s healthy development, and to revisit the value of young children’s play in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. This article begins with general directions for supporting young children during and after the crisis, followed by three sections including (1) impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on young children; (2) mental health and development of young children; and (3) play for young children during and after pandemic. Conclusions and suggestions for future research are provided.

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