
Metaphorical analysis of early childhood teachers on classroom rule

Min Kyung Ha, Doolee Kim
page. 135~159 / 2021 Vol.15 No.2


This study aims to provide educational implications for classroom rule management by identifying how early childhood teachers recognize classroom rules and analyzing their perception of classroom rules. The study conducted a metaphorical analysis regarding classroom rules in a group of 180 teachers from early childhood education institutions in Seoul, South Korea. According to the analysis results, early childhood teachers' perception of classroom rules classify into seven categories: for class safety, what fosters basic living habits of children, for curriculum operation, what a teacher instructs, what sets the standard of behavior of children, for regulation, what a teacher decides. The results of this study provided an opportunity for early childhood teachers to observe various angles regarding the function and operation of classroom rules, and further suggested implications for the conception and operation of classroom rules.

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