
The Level of Teaching Knowledge Preschool Teachers in Malaysia

Abdul Halim Masnan, Nur Ellina Anthony, Nur Arifah Syahindah Zainudin
page. 39~48 / 2019 Vol.13 No.2


A quality teaching model includes elements such as teaching knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This study seeks to discover the level of teaching knowledge of preschool teachers. The methodology of the study is a qualitative methods using case study. The instruments used were interviews and document analysis while the respondents who received excellent teaching awards were identified using purposive sampling. The two excellent preschool teachers were interviewed. Results of the study found that the knowledge of the teachers was found to increase through their experience and adopted various methods of teaching to help the children understand the learning. An appropriate teaching method was used to capture and retain the children’s attention as well as improve their ranking and achievement. Overall, preschool teachers are aware that the method of teaching plays an important role in the teaching and learning process.

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