
Multicultural Education for Young Children through Information Books

Min-Jin Kim
page. 23~45 / 2019 Vol.13 No.1


This study aims to determine the impact of information book-based multicultural education for young children in terms of their knowledge and attitudes towards other cultures and their positive feelings towards other countries. Fifty-nine five-year-old children were placed into three groups: an information book-based multicultural education group, photograph-based multicultural education group, and control group. To implement multicultural education for the information book-based group, information books were produced on the top five countries of origin of parents of students from multiethnic families in Korea. For the photograph-based group, photographs from the same five countries were used to implement multicultural education. The study found that, compared to the other two groups, the young children from the group that used illustrated information books had greater positive changes with respect to knowledge and attitude towards other cultures and positive feelings towards other countries.

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