
Parental Perceptions on Parent Involvement in Korea

Soyoun Bae-Suh
page. 21~41 / 2012 Vol.6 No.1


The purpose of this study was to investigate parental perceptions on parent involvement in Korea. Twohundred-thirty-two parents participated in this study by completing a questionnaire developed by theresearcher. Majority of parents perceived that parent involvement is significant and necessary althoughthey are not able to participate in all events of parent involvement due to reasons such as time conflictand be baby sitters. In addition, parents wanted for teachers to frequently inform their child’s progress, tocontact them through various channels, and to respect their opinions in education for their child.Strategies to compromise the reasons hindering parental participation in parent involvement as well assuggestions to meet parental demands were discussed. Suggestions for further studies were alsoproposed.

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