
Towards Unity amidst Diversity in Early Childhood Education: Report and Reflection on the 10th PECERA International Conference

Betty Chan, Grace Choy
page. 3~28 / 2010 Vol.4 No.2


Early childhood education professionals in the Asian Pacific regions are facingvarious diversities, including economic and social diversities, cultural diversities,diversities in religious beliefs or value systems, and diversities in early childhoodteacher education and school administration. Despite the different areas of diversities,they are united with one goal, that is, providing quality education for the benefit ofchildren that meet their developmental needs. The Chinese concept of “He” orHarmony is instrumental in understanding “unity in diversity”. Harmony presupposesthe existence of differences. Early childhood education in the Asian Pacific regionscan be different and yet harmonious. By sharing latest research and teaching experienceamong early childhood professionals in an international platform such asPECERA, they can be united by vigorously proven theories and the most effectivepedagogies, and it is achieved in a supportive environment.

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