
What Science Experiences Do Elementary School Teachers Expect in Early Childhood

Kazushige Mizobe
page. 53~68 / 2010 Vol.4 No.1


The purpose of the present study is to examine what science experiences elementary school teachers regard as necessary for children in elementary school and kinder- garten/child care. Participants are 116 elementary school teachers specializing in Living Environment Studies who have experience working with early grades of elementary school. Our findings are as follows. First, the mean value of ‘Environment’, ‘Plants’, and ‘Animals’ was high in Life Environment Studies (LES) and Kindergarten/child care (KIN). The mean value of ‘Gravity’ and ‘Rocks & Minerals’ in LES and KIN was low. A significant difference in 8 items (ex. ‘Animals’) was found between LES and KIN. Second, less experienced teachers and female teachers want children to have experiences about “Plants” and “Animals”, but they don’t want children to have science experiences about “Rocks and Minerals” and “Gravity”. Third, the activities for ‘Human body’, ‘Sound’, and ‘Environment’ which were recommended by the teacher were included.

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