
Children's drawings speak more than words

Thelma Rabago-Mingoa
page. 53~71 / 2009 Vol.3 No.2


This study explored how children’s drawings reveal prior knowledge Filipino children have for science words commonly found in grade I science textbooks before entering grade I. They were asked to draw and explain their concepts. Chi square tests and ANOVA tests were made to find patterns of conceptions considering the variables in the study. The children showed beginnings of awareness, especially in words related to their direct experiences. Most children could not give a precise definition of terms, but they can give explanations, examples and make drawings about science concepts. Differences were found in abilities to give explanations and give examples among boys and girls; among children who have attended preschool or not; and among those whose parents have gone through different levels of education. All children were able to express themselves in drawings. Children’s drawings were found to express more understanding about certain concepts they cannot explain in words.

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