
Using the local language for teaching science in kindergarten in the Philippines

Greg Tabios Pawilen, Manabu Sumida
page. 101~122 / 2009 Vol.3 No.1


This study discusses some important observations on using the local language for teaching science in kindergarten. The study was conducted in a local kindergarten school in the Philippines where classes were observed to obtain data whether using the local language in teaching science is effective. The result shows that using the local language for teaching science to kindergarten learners: (1) allow the learners to ask questions that are related to their lesson; (2) allow for individualism so that those with different backgrounds and levels of development can contribute and progress; (3) evoke emotional and physical as well as intellectual responses; (4) offer oppor- tunities for children to express ideas on a topic, issue, or problem; and (5) help make connections to what they are learning in other subject fields. In general, it allows the children to participate actively in different activities. This paper strongly advocates the use of local language as an effective medium of instruction in teaching science for young children.

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