
Singapore Preschool Teachers' Responses to the Introduction of A Framework for a Kindergarten Curriculum in the Context of 3 Preschool Settings

Lynn Ang Ling-Yin
page. 55~81 / 2008 Vol.2 No.1


This paper is based on a British Academy funded research proj ect on teachers' responsesto the introduction of the Singapore preschool curriculum titled A Frameworkfor a Kindergarten Curriculum (Ministry of Education, 2003 ) . 1 5 teachers from 3preschools were interviewed and their views analyzed to identify issues in the implementationof the new curriculum. The teachers in this pilot study welcomed thecurriculum framework but had reservations about it. For them, the three main issueswere limitations in funding and resources to implement the Framework, a need fortraining, and the expectations of parents for a more formal approach to the curriculum.The cultural and economic context in which the preschools are located seemto have some influence on the teachers' ability to implement the Framework and onhow the curriculum is delivered to children.

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