
Aspects and Meaning of Caring Relationship between Handicapped and Nonhandicapped Children

Myung-Ja Nam
page. 67~93 / 2007 Vol.1 No.2


The purpose of this study was to examine the creation of caring relationships between handicapped and nonhandicapped children in inclusive education setting and the edu- cational meaning of that relationship. Different sorts of data were analyzed and inter- preted, including participant observation records, conversational journals prepared by inclusive education teachers and this researcher, and reminder books on which the inclusive education teachers and parents of the handicapped children took turns keep- ing a diary. The nonhandicapped and handicapped children entered into a mutually caring relationship in the course of sympathizing with each other and creating a sense of solidarity and shared meaning. That relationship allowed them to acquire practical knowledge about their peers, and that appeared to be educationally meaningful as a way of making a caring classroom community. The caring classroom community was marked by confrontation between the nonhandicapped and handicapped children, res- ponding and embracing mutual differences. The importance and worth of caring in early childhood curriculum were accentuated in this study.

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