
Developing an Indigenous Science Curriculum for Kindergarten in Philippines

Greg Tabios Pawilen,Manabu Sumida
page. 139~162 / 2007 Vol.1 No.1


This study discusses the process of developing an indigenous sciencecurriculum for kindergarten in the Philippines. It is inspired by a vision to uti -lize the rich experience and indigenous knowledge of the people to enhanceand enrich the science curriculum for the kindergarten level. This study aimsto make the kindergarten science curriculum more relevant and responsive tothe daily-life culture of the learners and to make culture a part of science. Inthis paper, important data from the socio-cultural systems of selected commu -nities are analyzed and discussed in order to determine the context in whichthe curriculum is situated. Likewise, the responses of the learners, perceptionsof teachers and community folks, and the government documents on develop -ing indigenous curriculum were analyzed and presented to develop an indige -nous science curriculum for kindergarten.

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