
Using Participatory Research for Early Childhood Advocacy:Reflections on Methodology

Lynn Ang
page. 1~21 / 2015 Vol.9 No.2


This paper discusses the methodological implications of using participatory research in the advocacy forbetter care and education services for children and families. The discussion uses the example of anational study undertaken in Singapore to show how participatory research used in collaboration withparticipants and commissioning body as key stakeholders can help to galvanise transformative change atthe level of policy and provision. It explores the development of a participatory approach in framing aresearch agenda and the role of participant stakeholders in informing policy. The paper discusses thecomplex relationships that occur between the researcher, commissioners, and participants during theresearch process, and the potential strengths and challenges in using a participatory methodology inengendering a social agenda for advocacy and policy change. Drawing on international literature, thispaper discusses the findings of the study, ethical considerations, and paradoxes that often relate toadvocacy and participatory research.

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