
Development of a Quantitative Methodology to Analyze the Growth of Recognition of Musical Elements in Early Childhood from a Viewpoint of Change of Body Movement

Mina Sano
page. 61~80 / 2018 Vol.12 No.1


It is widely viewed that music induced body movement of early childhood children changes reflectingprogress of development stage of recognition of musical elements. The author had devisedfour-phased Music Expression Bringing-up (MEB) program to enhance music recognition of childrenand devised associated Music Test to evaluate recognition achievements based on respectivedevelopment phase. As such framework successfully showed development of recognition, the authortried to introduce additional quantitative measure which observes body movements on eachdevelopment phase utilizing 3D motion capture. In motion capture study, 3-year-old (n=28),4-year-old (n=25), and 5-year-old (n=31) children participated in the every phase’s activity of MEBprogram. Applying such movement results of 4 and 5-year-old children at multiple developmentphases with MEB program results of relevant phases, statistically significant relationship was attainedin ANOVA and relationship was depicted in Circular Affect. Results indicated that usage of 3Dmotion capture has consistent outcome with MEB program and body parts movements had thecharacteristic change of element in musical expression, especially, in the right hand. Combining 3Dmotion capture can identify development signals in movement of body parts and support tounderstand development achievements of children.

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