
An Analysis of Early Childhood Education Policy in China

Samson Maekele Tsegay,Cresensia Kansale,Sydell Poyoe Goll
page. 69~84 / 2017 Vol.11 No.1


China has given high priority to develop its entire educational system including early childhoodeducation. Through secondary data and empirical studies, this paper critically analyzes the policyformulation, implementation, and evaluation of China’s national plan for medium and long-termeducation reform and development (2010-2020) with regard to early childhood education. The studyindicated that formulation of the plan was done with high collaboration of the government and thepeople. Both ordinary people and experts in the field participated through various platforms. So far,the plan is meeting its objectives, although there are discrepancies between different provinces, andwithin municipalities. The study will enable to shape the education policy in practice, and share theexperiences of China to other countries with similar initiatives.

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