
Young Children’s Use of ICT in Shanghai Preschools

Chuanmei Dong
page. 97~123 / 2016 Vol.10 No.3


In the context of ever-increasing presence of information communication technologies (ICT) in youngchildren’s living and educational environments, early childhood education (ECE) policies andcurriculum have begun to emphasise the importance of integrating ICT into early childhood practicesand provide guidelines for the use of ICT in ECE settings. The current study aims to get a clearerpicture of young children’s use of ICT in preschools and develop a better understanding of theirexperiences with the use of ICT in the classroom. Data were collected from a survey with 316teachers in 20 public preschools and observations of young children’s ICT activities in two case studyclassrooms, as part of a larger study. The results show that many children had competences and highinterest in using ICT and experienced pleasure and success during their ICT activities, but theiroverall access to ICT was low, and active and meaningful ICT use was very limited. This paperconcludes by suggesting the provision of sufficient reliable hardware and appropriate software foryoung children to explore the potential of ICT. And EC teachers need to develop effective pedagogiesthat can support the children’s learning with and through the use of ICT.

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